Swiss Banking Lawyers Podcast

Enzo Caputo interviewed by Russian Information Agency Novosti on the Swiss Sanctions against Russia



Find out more here: Radio interview of Enzo Caputo Switzerland sanctions Russian lenders RIA NOVOSTI, the Russian Information Agency Novosti, one of the biggest agencies in Russia, has invited Enzo Caputo on the 28 August 2014, 2 p.m. to answer the question on the new Swiss Sanctions against Russia (entered into force 27 August, 6 p.m.)are compatible with Swiss neutrality, if the 5 listed Russian banks still have access to the Swiss capital markets and if Swiss banks have frozen Russian bank accounts. Please click on the Podcast and check the answers given at 3 p.m., one hour after invitation, on this highly sensitive and explosive topic. 28 August 2014 Find out more here: