Swiss Banking Lawyers Podcast

Do you know the Difference Between A Shelf Company & A Shell Company?



Do you know the Difference Between A Shelf Company & A Shell Company? What are the risks involved? The video explains the difference between a shelf company and a shell company. Some of the classic offshore jurisdictions for shell companies are mentioned. The main purpose of a shell company is to have a bank account. Basically, it’s a special purpose company with the scope to maintain a bank account. In the most classic offshore jurisdictions shell companies are called International Business Companies. The shelf company is an aged company ready to start real and operative business. Swiss banks are reluctant to open bank accounts for shell companies. It will be very difficult to open Swiss bank accounts for shell companies. Switzerland offers the best jurisdiction for shelf companies. Low taxation, confidentiality with bearer shares, educated and multilingual staff are just few of the advantages Switzerland can offer as a business oriented jurisdiction for shelf companies. A shelf company is ready to start