Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

186: What is Draining or Dimming Your Radiance? (#2 of 3 in Stay Light Series)



Today we dive into this inquiry: "What is draining, dimming or distorting your radiance? " Remember, Radiance is your light. The brightness and strength of your radiance effect everything from your wellbeing, your physical health, your ability to get your gifts and genius into the world, your access to your intuition and power, and how you feel about  yourself, your life and the world.  Our theme for this series is STAY LIGHT - not as a spiritual platitude but as a directive from the Universe and a real practice we put into place in our daily lives. Last session we explored what Radiance is, and what restores and retains yours. In this Feminine Power Time #186, our intention is to illuminate what's draining or dimming your radiance, so you can see it, name it and be at choice with how to work with the forces that pull you down and dim, so you can can stay light and bright even in this challenging time in the world. We'll start where we always start which is where you have the power within you to make shifts,