Life Long Learner

Ep. 63. Out Of Class - Losing your phone, Power of silence and the rise of Karens



The fellas come together for another chat.  This Week Matt share how losing his phone on kayak adventure has somewhat liberated him. Gines, Ben and Matt explore why society uses their phone as a social crutch. Why is that when we go to dinner and when some stops talking or gets up to go to the bathroom, we pick up our phone?  Hence why the question is asked what silence. The power it has. In a world full of stimulus we do not give ourselves time to be in silence to various reasons. Silence can be daunting, it can be uncomfortable, as all we have then is our thoughts.  Plus they chat about Karen's of the world and why they feel the need to step out of their lane and tell everyone else what they 'should' be doing. Especially when things are not the status quo.  For more updates and to subscribe head to - Facebook Instagram Youtube