Tribe Byron Bay

Episode 80: Maria Mason - Prayer: Take Your Stand in the Victorious Battle - 1 August 2021



Many Christians like to convince themselves that there is no battle in the realm of the Spirit because of the finished work of Christ, and probably because it might seem a more convenient theology! Nothing could be further from the truth, and the scriptures support this idea completely as does life! There are many battles we must fight and win!  In Ephesians 6, we read that after applying the spiritual armour of God, that we “can take our stand against the devil’s schemes.” In the Passion Translation, it says of Ephesians 6: “Stand victorious with the force of his explosive power flowing in and through you”!  Further to that, the battle that we are in, is not one that can even be waged with the world’s weapons, but through the powerful weapon of prayer! Through 1 Corinthians 10 and other key New Testament verses, we are given many keys to fighting the battle against internal and external strongholds of our hearts and in the realm of the Spirit.  Through this message we look at how taking our thoughts captive