Tribe Byron Bay

Episode 81: Maria Mason - Prayer: An Exhilarating Life On the Mountain Top - 8 August 2021



Everyone loves that feeling of finally reaching the mountain top and having a clear, vivid vision of the surrounding region. We stop and gasp at the view, taking in all the beauty of the landscape below! We breathe in deeply, the beautiful crisp mountain air and instantly feel incredible! Like Jesus, we are called to live from the mountain top. The Christian life is an elevated one. High above the earth, not on the ground where you can not see with the chickens, but like eagles we rise up in the thermals and glide about in the Spirit - living free and unencumbered from this world with all its stresses, issues and neurosis. Ascending the “the hill of the Lord” is the way David referred to the life of prayer and worship in Psalm 24. What are the benefits of a life of ascension? Apart from being refreshed and invigorated, the body of Christ will be filled with an unusual discernment that comes from sight. It’s time for a much greater seer gift to kick in for the church, but it will not happen if you don’t turn t