Tribe Byron Bay

Episode 84: Maria Mason - Prayer: He has Sent Me to Heal the Broken-hearted - the Isaiah Mandate - 29 August 2021



The Isaiah Mandate is the call for a full restoration of our hearts now. Isaiah prophesied that the power of the gospel was for the healing of the broken places – the broken-hearted places. In modern terms, brokenheartedness is the traumas we have been through. Most likely there are many traumas from your huge life - some of which have not been processed nor healed yet. Some of the deepest traumas, are not things we want to revisit ever, however,  when we push those things down in our trauma tank, we are doing the worst thing ever for our hearts. The good news is, God wants to heal you firstly because He loves you, secondly because you must deal with the lies that hinder you moving forward, and thirdly because your traumas will only fester and increase when left. Further to all that, the mandate to process our hearts, is actually evidence of our self care or sense of worthiness (ability to receive His love). The Father wants to build up our love tank or self worth tank, so that we can process all the hard thi