Tribe Byron Bay

Episode 97: Maria Mason - Prayer: The Road and the Journey - Walking Alone with Jesus! - 05 December 2021



Walking through life as believers, is not just a move from one feast of fellowship to the other, but a rich tapestry of both community in the Spirit with others and total alone time with God. The soul realm and the world will always be pulling you towards noise, togetherness, busy and so on. We must silence all that to meet with Him and walk with Him alone. Solitude is the life Jesus modelled to us, so we can go deep into communion with the Father. He showed us it was an avenue to prepare for major tasks, to hear from God in decision making, to grieve, to grow in authority and to just be in rest. The Father has so much to say to you for the coming year. Now is a great time to come aside and have a time of solitude and listening prayer. As humans on a journey there are some very lonely seasons. Friendships go through pain or pruning in order to drive us deeper to God. There is a loveliness to seasons of loneliness. God has allowed you to feel lonely in some spheres of our lives, so that we will walk with Him.