Tribe Byron Bay

Episode 110: Phil & Maria Mason - Vision: A Vision to be deeply grounded in the word - 15 May 2022



Today we dive into a conversation about how rich the Word of God is in growing in a grounded life. Further to that if we want to be deeply grounded in faith, we must dwell in the Word of God deeply. Currently, there is a growing culture of deconstructionism in our Christian world. This culture is deconstructing the church, the Word of God and ultimately your connection to Him in a personal Way. Many have lost their faith because they deconstructed so much -there is nothing left to believe in! This is tragic. Our faith rests on His character as revealed in His Word. It’s vital for your own spiritual survival as a believer that you are filled with a deep reverence for the Word of God.Our message today covers four key points: 1. How to build a relationship with the Word. 1 John 1:1 2.Fellowship is connection. You have to fellowship in the Word with God and others to grow strong.3.A life of love of the Word grows. We fall in love with His Word as we abide in it. Colossians 3:164.A lifestyle or disciplined life in