Breaking Bread Podcast

Introversion and the Church



The church is God’s family. To participate in church, is to participate in “together.” What if “together” is difficult for you? In this episode of Breaking Bread, Kristen Schwind and Ron Messner give voice to the introvert in church. They highlight both the weaknesses and the strengths our personalities pose in how we experience the “together” aspect of church.   Who is an introvert?   A person who finds solitude as life-giving and human interaction as life-expending.    Who is an extrovert?  A person who finds human interaction as life-giving and solitude as life-expending.    How can introversion in the church be challenging?    Fellowship can be difficult.  By being reserved, individuals can be misjudged as aloof or uncaring.  By being reserved, individuals can be passed over for duties.  By not being always present, individuals can be misjudged as uncommitted.   How can we walk in an understanding way towards the introvert in church?  Be a safe person to talk to.  Use their gift of listenin