Courageous Fit Female With Jaclyn Castro

133: Want To Know If The Facebook Health Group You’re In Is Misleading You? 5 Things To Look At So You’ll Know!



Can a Facebook group really mislead you when it comes to your health? Is it something we’re not paying attention to but should? Facebook groups that are about health don’t just exist for the community. Those are great! But they are even better when they help you to get healthier, have more energy, and actually help you to feel comfortable in your body in your 40s! Let’s get into today’s episode where you’ll look at 5 things so you’ll know if the Facebook health group you’re in is misleading your health. Stay tuned to the end for a surprise announcement! Get Healthy with Jesus, Jaclyn  Do you want to get healthy and feel comfortable in your body? Are you up late at night Googling "how to have more confidence” and are you afraid you’ll never lose weight? Do you wake up with ambitious health goals but never seem to have the time to workout or meal prep? Hey, I'm Jaclyn Castro. I am a follower of Jesus, a wife, a mom of two, and a Christian Health Coach.  I, too, wanted to be healthier for my kids and wished to