Oh Behave - Harmony In The Household With Your Pets, & Animal Behavior - Pets & Animals On Pet Life Radio (petliferadio.com)

Oh Behave - Episode 453 The Renowned Dr. C. Sue Furman Talks About Petting With a Purpose On Our Dogs



If dogs could talk, they would definitely declare they are not big fans of being patted on their heads. What they do want is a purposeful touch. In this Oh Behave Show episode, host Arden Moore talks with Dr. C. Sue Furman, a leading expert in the use of therapeutic massage and acupressure on dogs. Discover how these techniques can increase circulation, fresh nutrient-filled bood and stimulate nerves in your canine pal in a healthy way. And, for tuning in, Dr. Furman is offering a special discount to Oh Behave Show listeners for her book, "Canine Massage for the Athlete in Every Dog." The book is regularly $29, but our show listeners can get their paws on this book for only $20 by clicking on the special PayPal button on her website: www.holistictouch therapy.com. Do it today! EPISODE NOTES: The Renowned Dr. C. Sue Furman Talks About Petting With a Purpose On Our Dogs