Sydney Sexual Health Centre

EP 35 - Vaping, tobacco cessation, and smoking: what you need to know.



We all know smoking is bad for us, but what about vaping? For World No Tobacco Day 2022 we are investigating vaping and the evidence for its use in helping people to quit smoking. To take us through some ways of reducing the harms of smoking amongst the populations we see here at SSHC is Dr. Aaron Coleman. As a peer who speaks with patients about smoking and what quit supports are available, David Massa shares his experiences of quitting smoking and what worked for him. Emily Jenkinson from Cancer Council NSW will then let us know about their research into the harms that vaping can cause for individuals and the community. Some further resources: Quitline MyQuitBuddy app IcanQuit NSW Health Do You Know What You're Vaping campaign NSW Health advice on E-cigarettes https://www.h