Nova Weekend Warriors

Finding Community through Volleyball with the Northern Virginia Volleyball League



Prior to the pandemic in January 2020, Meg met with Shirali Shah Trietley, founder of the Northern Virginia Volleyball League along with some of the coaches and players of the league. Since taping, Shirali has since moved on to other exciting adventures and the league has morphed and taking on a new name, a new location and new leadership (which will will hear all about in Season 3)! But in the meantime, this "lost episode" has great information for those interested in getting started with volleyball, looking to return to the sport, or just looking to find community! So excited to share this awesome conversation with the awesome women of the (former) Northern Virginia Volleyball League. And if listening inspires you to connect with the new league, don't wait until Season 3! Reach out to Meg at and she'll get you in touch with Holly, who's heading up the new league and who is featured on this episode as well! Full show notes, video versions of this episode and audio transcription a