Dr. Lisa Gives A Sh*t

DLG297 Comedian Paris Campbell blows up some autism stereotypes.



I found out Paris Campbell was autistic from a joke she made about herself onstage. I approached her afterwards and invited her to be on the show because seeing her/meeting her made me realize how little I know about autism and as a self-proclaimed psychotherapist, I needed to know a lot more. Paris is a smart, beautiful, charming and funny. I am grateful for all the first hand knowledge she shared candidly and am glad to be able to hopefully create more awareness about a neurological condition that in my opinion, is greatly misunderstood. We can help neurodivergent people just by learning about them and better understanding them! Follow Paris Campbell on TikTok, Insta and Twitter @stopitparis Learn more about autism HERE and HERE And HERE! What people with autism wish you knew: 'We want to be understood, not hidden away' https://nationalautismassociation.org/ https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/health-wellness/2022/04/28/autism-awareness-what-autistic-community-wishes-you-knew/9542346002/ 3 What is Autism?