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LEADING OTHERS TOWARDS LIFE-CHANGE - pt1 - Leading Others Towards Life-Change



In “Leading Others Towards Life-Change”, Rodney shares that growth is the sign of blessing from the beginning, and is the legacy of kings. If we are going to be known as a healthy, prosperous, life-giving church we must begin to be “fruitful and multiply”. Our heart desire may be to see others come to know Christ, but the irony is while I want to see life-change in others; it won’t happen unless it first happens in me. Leading others to Jesus isn’t God’s problem, and there isn’t a problem with the message. Some might say, “We are to blame.” But, “We are not the problem. WE are the solution.” The solution is making ourselves available to allowing the Holy Spirit to work through us, in order to persuade others toward Jesus Christ. No need will be met, or vision completed without someone saying, “Yes” to leading the way for others to follow. So, have people bought into you? The greatest Bible story some people will ever read is you.