Entreneato With Matt Neff

78: Robert Weaver The Life Coach VS. The TransAmerica Trail and Other Tales Of Self Discovery and Life Change Part 2



On the show today I sit down with Life Coach and Cyclist, Robert Weaver of Robert Weaver Research LLC. At the time of this interview Robert was 300 miles away from conquering the 4,228 mile trail! The good news is Robert completed his goal with flying colors. As a bonus for our listeners Robert is providing a free coaching session valued at $500. Make sure to take advantage of this offer and let him know you heard him on Entreneato! You'll learn a ton about correct mental mindsets and will power to help you achieve SO MUCH in life and business if you apply it!  You can contact Robert by phone at 1-402-202-0989 or by email at Robertweaver@outlook.com. Here's a little more on the TransAmerica Trail: The TransAmerica Bicycle Trail began in 1973, during our co-founder’s ride from Alaska to Argentina, as nothing more than an ambitious idea for a way to celebrate the nation’s upcoming 200th birthday. By June of 1976, the Trail was ready; the maps and guidebooks were published thanks to an enormous effort. Now cy