Entreneato With Matt Neff

93: 5 Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make When Creating An Online Course with Cindy Nicholson from The Course Whisperer



As a former teacher and corporate trainer Cindy has worked with entrepreneurs who have dreams of building their business beyond just trading dollars for hours.  They’re ready to grow their business by offering online courses but have no idea where to start. Cindy helps people walk them through the process so that they can create a course that they’re proud of and that their clients will love. To learn more about Cindy and her work check out https://www.thecoursewhisperer.co. On today’s show we talk about 5 Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make When Creating Online Courses, it’s a very informative episode that’s easy to understand and will help you know what to include and not include when designing your online course.  In short, Cindy helps amazing entrepreneurs turn their incredible content into effective and engaging learning material.  I also want to take a second to thank our friends at Audible and share another great book I’ve been reading called, Procrastinate on Purpose by Rory Vaden.  Rory Vaden (Take the