Caveman's Corner

Let Latifah Wrestle



Help me get this girl the ability to display her talent she is one of my coaches and a great person sign this Tag @USA Wrestling and @United World Wrestling when you share! Latifah must choose between her faith and her passion! Earlier this month, Latifah competed at the USMC Women’s National and World Team Trials and won the right to represent the United States at the Pan-Am Championships in Mexico in July 2022. However, shortly after qualifying, Latifah was told that she could not adhere to her faith and wrestle at the Pan-Ams. USA Wrestling has communicated that Latifah must wear a singlet in accordance with United World Wrestling (UWW) uniform guidelines or she cannot compete. USA Wrestling has given Latifah and her coaches only until June 1st, 2022 to inform them of her decision. They have given her two options: Wrestle in the singlet, based on the rules as they are right now, therefore not adhering to her religious commitments. OR Forfeit her spot on the team and