Real World Gardener Podcasts

Best Climbing Plants on Real World Gardener



 DESIGN ELEMENTS Climber Heroes This design series is about plants that are categorised as non-general lines. Every week I’ve been saying that were talking about plants that you won’t necessarily find in your big box store or possibly even in your nursery so you may have to search for them. These plants are so worthwhile that because they provide year round interest with their foliage colour, texture and contrast, not just their flowers. Today perhaps some climbers fit the bill Peter refers to cool sub-tropical garden or ‘cool sub-trops’ which means that overnight winter temperatures are down to about 5 degrees. Don’t be put off if you live in a different climate because often plants adapt to a variety of climatic conditions and are worth a try. Peter mentioned these climbers Hoya carnosa Conomorpha fragrans often called climbing frangipani although it has nothing to do with the frangipani genus-Plumeria. The flower does look similar to the frangipani flower and are highly scented.vigorous habit requir