Rubberonion Animation Podcast

278 He-Men



Here's ep 2 of our 4 ep drop today continuing with this episode from earlier this year published to Patreon (Originally uploaded Feb 19, 2022). We were releasing episodes there exclusively for the last year while dealing with some very busy times which now have cleared up and we can re-enter the fray! We actually recorded this "Masters of the Universe: Revelation" review episode back in Aug 2021 and then more work/life stuff happened to decide to take a break until 2022. We'll talk all about it in our next podcasts now that we're coming up for air. But fun story, when I opened it in February I remembered why it was never released... we didn't record an intro! We just couldn't get together to record one and it sat collecting dust, getting more relevant with age... that's what happens to review episodes right?    So I woke up the next morning, recorded a quick intro, finished the edit, and put it up on Patreon with a promise that more were on their way. Now you're all caught up and Rob and I have recorded 2