Sober Cinema

1992 at the Movies: LETHAL WEAPON 3



Just to be clear... thirty years later Mel Gibson is still Australia's doing. Now that the elephant in the room is out of the way we get back to more topical podcast subject matter like declaring BOTH 1992's summer movie season and our 2022 Oscars recap special. We also feel very sorry for both Danny Glover the man and the character he plays in Richard Donner's (but NOT Shane Black's) LETHAL WEAPON 3. Jairo insults another beautiful white woman in Rene Russo and we insult our listeners ears by preparing them for another questionable episode on Scientology and even worse a Scientologist on a horse in FAR AND AWAY. Among all these horrific things we also shine a light on last week's guest Dave Giannini and his podcast on LETHAL WEAPON 3 on ATTACK OF THE 3RD. Awful all around. Listen: Apple Podcasts/Spotify/Amazon Music/Google Podcasts Facebook/Instagram/Twitter: @sobercinema Follow your hosts on Letterboxd for sneak peaks at film criticism GENIUS: Jairo @truebromance Jared @jgdotson Josh @SoberCinema Mike @proj