Divine Savior Church-santa Rita Ranch Sermons

4. 5 Habits of a Disciple: Talk to People



One way we see the love of Jesus is in how he interacted with people from all segments of society. He talked with them. He listened to them. He asked them questions. He taught them. Our human tendency is to be comfortable only with people from our social circles, those we would happily already call our friends. Perhaps this is why “talk to people” is something we need to, well, talk about in church! Don’t worry though, this isn’t just for those who we might call “extroverts” – people who might have a natural gift in talking to people. We’ll explore how this is for “introverts” too – people who might have a natural gift for listening. So we’ll learn from each other and from our Savior how listening and talking are important skills for every disciple of Jesus. Why? Because “faith comes from hearing the message” (Romans 10:17). And if our eyes are open for opportunities and we’re showing love to people by doing good, then we should be prepared. To do what? To talk to people! “Always be prepared to give an answer