Loving Without Boundaries

EPISODE 190: Bomber and Belle Interview



EPISODE 190 Interview with Bomber and Belle. Bomber and Belle are a Black married, professional couple that has embraced the sexy swinger lifestyle and are the host of the Black N Kinky Lifestyle Podcast. They use their podcast to help other Black couples who are thinking about exploring non-monogamy or have already dared to traverse the swinger lifestyle and just want to listen to the steamy details of their sexy adventures. They created this podcast because they felt that the voice of People of Color in general and Black couples in particular has been absent from the conversation about swinging. Although people are people, being Black represents a different experience in a community that is almost predominantly older and White. This podcast may help give a voice to other people of color and White individuals who wish to gain a perspective from a group different from their own. If you get value out of the Loving Without Boundaries podcast, then consider becoming one of our patrons! Not only will you enjoy