Enlighten: Uplift & Inspire

Episode 210 Origins of Mothers’ Day



After seeing last week’s episode summary that acknowledged the strange timing of women’s reproductive health being threatened on the same week we celebrate Mother’s Day, a friend shared Heather Cox Richardson’s newsletter written on the eve of Mother’s Day. I felt compelled to share the history of the original Mothers’ Day and Julia Ward Howe’s conviction that women must make their voices heard.   May we all continue to promote women’s right to have a say in American government. May we honor Howe’s strong belief that women, as mothers, have a special role to perform in the world. May the mothers of mankind have the courage to interfere in the madness. May I, and all mothers, continue to teach our children charity, mercy, and patience. May I and all mothers, be too tender of those of another country to allow our children to be trained to injure people from another country. May Mama Bears throughout the world be inspired by Julia Ward Howe’s devotion to creating the next great development in human history, a l