Podcast By Crystal Andrus Morissette

Dogs Mirror Their Owners



On this month's Chat with Crystal episode, Jenn joins the call. Jenn shares that she's been a student at S.W.A.T. for the last ten years in the original Master Empowerment Coach Certification (MECC), and in that time, she feels like she's taken more time than she "should have" to complete the program and get clarity on her business. However, Jenn's now at the end of her MECC studies getting ready to graduate and is ready to put herself out there. Still, she is having a bit of a disconnect with her current business that she'd love to marry with her Empowerment Coaching business. Crystal asks Jenn if she could wave a magic wand and do anything; what would she do? Jenn shares that she's doing a lot of it now. As a dog trainer, teacher, and coach for the last 20 years, she knows how so often with her clients, when a dog comes in with a behavioral issue, it almost always has to do with the owner. Our dogs often mirror us back, and usually, both the owner and the dog need coaching. Crystal reassures Jenn that this