Elle Rambles

Strength Training Exercise Lingo Part 1



In this week's episode of the BestFit Body Podcast Jules and Elle dive into common words and phrases that you will come across when you are getting started on your strength training journey! They are here to break things down so you are well prepared when you step foot in the weight room! This is part one of a two-part series all about exercise lingo. They cover over 20 different topics in part one! Part 2 will be available on May 25th! Topics in the order that you will hear them are as follows: 1. FITT Principle (Frequency, Intensity, Time & Type) 2. Reps & sets 3. Working sets & warm-up sets 4. How to find the proper weight to use for your exercises 5. Range of motion 6. Trial and Error and understanding intensity 7. Ego Lifting 8. Supersets, Circuits, & Giant Sets 9. EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute) Workouts *link to Smart Wod App discussed in the episode below* 10. More is not always better 11. DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) 12. Rest and Recovery 13. What if I don’t sweat during my workouts? 14.