Freedomcast With Rob Swanson

[EP04] Value Investing: What Most Investors DON’T Know.



A particular quote that has stuck with me for a long time is, “​​Tailwinds Create Great Investments Headwinds Expose Great Investors.”You see, in the past decade or so - we’ve been in a really great tailwind. It’s been pretty easy to find success in this bull market. My question to you is, are you taking advantage of the opportunities you have access to right now?Followup question: Do you have a plan for when the tailwind turns into a headwind?   Understanding (& participating in) Value Investing will change your life. Learn all about it in this week’s episode of the Real Estate Mogul podcast.   PLUS, I’m expanding my team and want a few new people my team can work with to expand into 3 new markets…   If you’re the right person and ready to earn your Wholesaling Certification and start flipping houses quickly, this is for you.   Click here: Now go create some freedom, Rob Swanson.