Living & Loving With Lauren Reed

Home and Feeling Hostility for the Holidays



Have you ever grown up struggling in a negative environment or household and told yourself you’d never live like them so you created—or have to tried to create a better life for yourself but every time you’re around them you constantly feel triggered or like an imposter? It’s like you have done so much work to create a better more positive life for yourself where you’re either super balanced, financially stable, successful in your career or thriving in your marriage but when you go home to visit your family for the holidays or in general— you suddenly start noticing that you’re acting like your old self again or like you used to when you lived there. You may start acting out like a teenager or resorting back to your old ways. You may notice you are getting more emotionally reactive, tense or angry and maybe you don’t even feel like that successful, intelligent, confident person you’ve tried to create after all. In this episode, I dive into why this happens and how to become more aware and in control of our ow