Divine Savior Church-santa Rita Ranch Sermons

2. 5 Habits of a Disciple: Eyes Open for Opportunity



Disciples are those who are connected to Jesus Christ by faith even though we could never do anything to deserve this. Yet just like with his first disciples, Jesus sends us out to share this good news with others so that they might become his disciples too. The power to do this is not in ourselves. It is in the promises of God who is at work through us. So where and how are we to do this? It starts with developing the habit of “walking slowly” and having our eyes open for opportunities. Our problem is that unlike Jesus, we don't always have our eyes open for these opportunities. Maybe we’re constantly in a hurry, too busy to stop and really see people. Maybe we overlook some people because deep down we think that we are better than they are. Perhaps religious pride or sinful prejudice clouds our vision. Our eyes don’t always see the potential harvest all around us of so many souls precious to our Savior. Lord Jesus, help us learn from you that we might walk slowly through life learning to keep our eyes