Leigh Martinuzzi

1036 Jim Zimring - Partial Truths



Partial Truths A great question, "What is Science?" In this episode, I get the honour to speak with Jim Zimring as he helps answer some great questions about science and Truth. Jim has authored two books in the area of science and human cognition, with the goal of bringing these topics out of the classroom and to a broader audience. Jim has shared fascinated insights that will leave you thinking about science and life. Enjoy! Books by Jim Below Partial Truths: How Fractions Distort Our Thinking What Science Is and How It Really Works Connect with Jim here. Guest Bio. James Zimring is a Professor of Pathology at the University of Virginia where he holds the Thomas W. Tillack chair of experimental pathology. He pursues basic and translational research in the field of transfusion medicine and blood biology. Dr. Zimring has an M.D. and also a Ph.D. in Immunology, both awarded from Emory University, and has published over 165 research articles in his field of study. In addition to his scientific researc