Nurah Speaks

(Ep 12)Celebrating Black History Month



“The thought of the inferiority of the Negro is drilled into him in almost every class he enters and in almost every book he studies.” Carter G Woodson This episode is my first of Black History Month! Black History Month is the expansion of Negro History Week established by historian Carter G Woodson in 1926 with the goal to acquaint 20th century Black youth with the history and accomplishments of their ancestors. In this episode I encourage listeners to examine if we are fulfilling the visions of the great figures that we commemorate during this month. I also discuss how the exclusion of Black history from general American and World history negatively impacts all students, white, black or otherwise. Carter G Woodson’s concern with the education of Black youth stemmed from his understanding that when you control a man’s thinking, you’ve established control of his actions. I encourage us all in our celebration of Black History Month to continue educating our youth of the genius of their ancestors but