Nasfaa's Off The Cuff Podcast

OTC From the Field: A System on Auto-Pilot? One Expert’s Perspective on the Need for Student Loan Repayment and Accountability Reform



This week on "Off The Cuff," Justin is joined by Kevin Carey, vice president for education policy and knowledge management at New America where he also directs the education policy program, for a wide-ranging conversation covering structural reforms needed for higher education, and how policy choices can improve institutional accountability for student outcomes. Justin and Kevin specifically cover hazards surrounding student loan debt and repayment programs, the evolution of those programs, how college accountability has been shaped through regulation, and more. Hugh then breaks down the latest higher education news, covering the Department of Education’s updates on the Second Chance Pell Program, Democrats seeking insight on the department's plans for its “fresh start” initiative, and the latest coverage on congressional appropriators questioning the White House’s budget request for higher education programs.