Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

Staying Sustained Through Change: Practices & Perspectives to Make The Shift with More Ease



How do you stay centered, clear, calm and sustained as you go through changes in your life - relationship, career, home, health? Whether you want the change and are intentionally creating it or it's a happening that you didn't ask for but find yourself in, when you can name the change as a 'threshold' you are crossing and moving through elevates everything.  Almost everyone I know if they are aware, conscious and choosing to grow through the catalyzing times we are in, is walking through a threshold crossing. While they are always challenging, they don't have to take you down or drive you to push through or run the other way. There is wisdom - practices and perspectives - to share and apply now and in the months and years to come to whatever changes and shifts we find ourselves in -- in ways that empower us to be in co creation with the Universe and each other.  Most of us didn't get this wisdom in our traditional education or leadership training. I've crossed thresholds many times (more on the word threshold