Tradcast: The Traditional Roman Catholic Podcast

TRADCAST 032 (28 APR 2022)



TRADCAST 032 (28 APR 2022) Contents Segment 1: Is Benedict XVI the "real" Pope? The Modernism of Joseph Ratzinger / No essential difference between Francis' and Benedict's theology / Francis' lack of concern for the supernatural life in souls illustrated: his belief that "good" atheists are saved; his reassurance of a homosexual atheist / Francis' one-sidedness illustrated: Is receiving forgiveness only a matter of asking for it? His condemnation of the destruction of the environment while facilitating the destruction of Faith in souls / Indifferentism and the False Gospel of Humanitarianism / miscellaneous: thank-you to donors and volunteers; two podcast interviews with Novus Ordo Watch; delayed correspondence Segment 2: Kennedy Hall misrepresents Sedevacantism as doubting the Papacy / Rev. Kevin Cusick on heretical bishops / Stephen Kokx on the "papal graces" of "Abp." Carlo Maria Viganò / More schizophrenic ecclesiology from Jason Morgan and The Remnant / From the Jorge's Mouth: Francis on evangelism, cli