Divine Savior Church-santa Rita Ranch Sermons

1. 5 Habits of a Disciple: What is a Disciple?



“What is a disciple? “Am I a disciple?” These are important questions for those who seek to follow Jesus. While the resurrection of Jesus on Easter changes our entire outlook on death and the life to come, we also need to ask ourselves, “What does it change for my life right now if I’m going to call myself a Christian or a disciple of Jesus?” As we answer this question we’ll see that being a disciple is not and cannot be something that we simply do externally, as if Jesus and his teachings and ways are something we add to our current identity and try to live out. It’s much deeper than that. It is our internal identity. To be a disciple of Jesus Christ means your entire life and identity is based on Him. Only with this foundation can we begin to develop healthy habits of being a disciple. As Jesus wanted one rich young man to learn, it’s only by trusting wholeheartedly in Jesus that anyone can receive God’s free gift of salvation. Support the show (https://pushpay.com/pay/divinesaviorchurchsantaritaranch/)