Loving Without Boundaries

EPISODE 188: Bea Interview



EPISODE 188 Interview with Bea. Bea is a lifelong self-growth enthusiast with a keen interest in human behavior and relationship dynamics. Bea has become part of the Loving Without boundaries community through the Jealousy Survival Guide Coaching Program. As a result of the guided coaching and the persistent and deep inner work, she experienced a quantum shift in her mindset that helped her stepping into living in alignment with her truth. Today, she is an advocate of people living their best lives and she has dedicated to immerse herself in conscious relationship counseling with a focus on healing developmental trauma, transitioning to secure attachment, and supporting sexual and lifestyle freedom. If you get value out of the Loving Without Boundaries podcast, then consider becoming one of our patrons! Not only will you enjoy exclusive content made just for you, your support will also help us continue creating educational content while helping more people have a deeper understanding of consensual non-monogam