Video Game Rations

Guacamelee! 2



Video Game Rations — It's like a book club, but without the books. For September we played Guacamelee! 2, a metroidvania platformer where you play as Juan Aguacate trying to save not just his world but the entire mexiverse. If you enjoy pop culture references, luchadores, and dad jokes... you will love this game. Enjoy Show notes 1:40 - House Keeping 2:28 - Currently playing 12:26 - News 27:48 - Listener question (Favorite game made in Canada) 31:37 - Eric's Snack Minute 34:52 - Guacamelee! 2 discussion 1:10:34 - Next months game (Man of Medan) You can reach us at Check us out on the web Intro music by