Lit Lit Lit Lit

LIT LIT LIT LIT VI and ReReading Room - Emma Metcalfe Hurst, Kyla Jamieson, Anahita Jamali Rad and Danielle LaFrance



1. Emma Metcalfe Hurst reading “Speak White Speak What What Speak White Speak,” a bilingual autocorrect translation of Michèle Lalonde’s poem “Speak White” (1967) and Marco Micone’s poetic response “Speak What” (1989) 2. Kyla Jamieson reading some recent poems and 1 of 30 letters to her best friend that suggestively fits into the genre of “epistolary auto-fiction” 3. Anahita Jamali Rad reading two poems-one new, one old-and then some more poems from her new book “For Love and Autonomy” (Talonbooks, 2016) 4. Danielle LaFrance reads two poems: one from her new book “Friendly Fire” (Talonbooks, 2016) and one that she wrote during a time of her life when she was losing her mind again.