Tribe Byron Bay

Episode 105: Phil Mason - Vision: A Vision for finding God in the Storm - 3 April 2022



Life is full of storms! Relational storms, emotional storms, health storms, actual storms, floods, pandemics, earthquakes, wars, fires, tsunamis etc. And there seems to have been a lot of them lately! Our highest priority in the midst of the storms of life is to find God in the storm. David could endure the valley of the shadow of death because he found God in the storm and discovered that God was with him. We know we are finding God in the midst of life’s storms when we experience the comfort of heaven no matter how intense the storm gets. God is present to comfort us in every trial and tribulation but His comfort is found in the context of hearing His intimate voice. As the storms increase with the threat of far worse storms on the horizon, now is the time to build a deep connection with our Father and to access the unlimited comfort He desires to pour out upon us. Join Phil in this journey of finding God in the storm