Sober Cinema

1992 at the Movies: WHITE MEN CAN'T JUMP



Thirty years of Rosie Perez being thirsty and men just don't understand it. But we do. Well us and Siskel & Ebert. The natural progression of film criticism. What does that sound like? A Peruvian voice is no authority for black culture in America as seen in the films of 1992. So instead we rely on the two white guys on the show. White men from Kentucky. Who have no time to appreciate a man's California tan. But can VERY MUCH appreciate Rosie Perez and her needs. One thumb going up somewhere in our latest episode of SOBER CINEMA! Listen: Apple Podcasts/Spotify/Amazon Music/Google Podcasts Facebook/Instagram/Twitter: @sobercinema Follow your hosts on Letterboxd for sneak peaks at film criticism GENIUS: Jairo @truebromance Jared @jgdotson Josh @SoberCinema Mike @projectingfilm Find out more at This podcast is powered by Pinecast.