Courageous Fit Female With Jaclyn Castro

129: Feeling Distracted & Stumbled by Secular Fitness Methods? Simple Guide for Christian Females Struggling to Lose Weight & Get Fit



We’re not able to count all the ways we can get stumbled and distracted by the thousands of shiny objects and “promises” that pull us away from God: from what society says we should look like, to why we should add “change the shape of our bodies” to the top of our priority list. And we can’t forget the countless fitness programs that entice us to do more and partake so that we can feel important based on how fast we can run or whether or not we can lift heavy barbells over our heads. If you can add your hope to this list no wonder we keep getting sucked back into the black hole of secular promises. If you’re tired of such (and I know you are) and want to find ways to get UNstumbled AND more focused on Jesus during your fitness and weight loss journey, grab your notebook and pen. I can’t wait for you to tune in! Be sure to share with me via email or leave a voice message (link below) about what you’ll be doing from this episode as soon as the episode ends!   Keep Your Joy In Jesus, Jaclyn  Obsessing about your