Oh Behave - Harmony In The Household With Your Pets, & Animal Behavior - Pets & Animals On Pet Life Radio (petliferadio.com)

Oh Behave - Episode 448 Dr. Lowell Ackerman Shares Ways To Have A Problem-Free Pet And Be A Proactive Pet Parent



In this telling episode, Oh Behave Host Arden Moore chats with one of the world's leading veterinarians -- and a longtime pal -- Dr. Lowell Ackerman. He is the head of Global Veterinary Strategy, a well-credential veterinarian in many areas, an in-demand global expert at conferences and yes, has very strong typing fingers. He has written more than 85 books on dogs, cats and other pet-related topics. Join us as the good doctor shares some tips and insights from his latest book written with his daughter, Rebecca, called "Problem Free Pets: The Ultimate Guide to Pet Parenting." All of his books are available on Amazon.com. EPISODE NOTES: Dr. Lowell Ackerman Shares Ways To Have A Problem-Free Pet And Be A Proactive Pet Parent