Glynn Vivian Art Gallery - On Air

Curators Tour; Gilly Fox, Not Without My Ghosts - The Artist As Medium



Curator Gilly Fox guides us around the Hayward Gallery Touring Exhibition, 'Not Without My Ghosts, The Artist As Medium'. Fox talks about the varied work in the exhibition, ranging from the late 19th century to the present day, looking at how artists’ have engaged with séances, channelling, automatic writing and other paranormal investigations. Gilly Fox, Assistant Curator at Hayward Gallery Touring. Fox lectures on fine art, curating and photography courses across the UK. In 2016, Gilly Fox was selected for the Clore Leadership programme and launched her independent art consultancy, advising clients on commissioning artists and work for built environment. Mae’r curadur, Gilly Fox, yn ein tywys o gwmpas arddangosfa Hayward Gallery Touring, ‘Not Without My Ghosts, The Artist As Medium’. Mae Fox yn sôn am waith amrywiol yr arddangosfa sy’n dyddio o ddiwedd y 19eg ganrif hyd heddiw, gan edrych ar sut mae artistiaid wedi ymgysylltu â seansau, sianelu, ysgrifennu awtomatig ac ymchwiliadau goruwchnaturiol eraill