Zero Fox Left

This Month in Don't Say Gay



The first hour we will discuss the "don't say gay" bill or the "anti grooming" bill (depending on your stance) in Flordia. Ive gathered the best clips of teachers discussing the topic and will provide my thoughts on their thoughts. Why do kindergarten teachers need to discuss scissoring with their students? Why would 6 years olds care if Adam and Steve went paddle boarding over the weekend? How does knowing your teachers sexual preferences help you learn to count to ten? We will get to the bottom of these questions and much more. If you need more news, I cover every Clown World story that I could find in March for the rest of the podcast. I managed to keep it under 3 hours but utterly failed at keeping it under 2 hours; maybe you have a long drive, want to send to a friend as a punishment, or just want me to describe Hell to you as you fall asleep; regardless this long winded podcast is here for you. Enjoy and go Fox yourself until next time