Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

181: Self Empowerment: Power Leaks, Sovereignty & Embodying Our Pure Power (#4 of 4 in Self Love Series)



Self Empowerment.... Be Empowered... Own your Power ... Stand in your power ... these are words that we see and hear alot more these days, but what does embodying our power really mean? What is self-empowerment? What does sovereignty have to do with all of this? How do you know if you are coming from your pure power rooted in wholeness or distorted power rooted in woundedness? How do you reveal where you are giving your power away - leaking power - in subtle but signifcant ways? I've been exploring, researching and teaching self-empowerment as one of the 10 branches of self-love for over a decade. I first heard the word sovereignty in 2006 and it rang through my body like a deep truth I knew in my bones, but didn't have a mental understanding of.  Being the wordsmith and wisdom student I am, of course I looked up the current definitions of both - unsatifactory. I started studying power and realized pretty quickly how distorted our cultural concepts and expressions of power are. And I dove deep into where we a