Brooke Snow Podcast

Ep. 7 How Meditation Saved My Life



If you've listened to my podcast very long, you know that I am devoted to the practice of meditation and constantly talk about it's benefits. What you may not know, is that meditation has saved my life. Not once, but twice. The first time I was literally in mortal danger, seconds away from death. The second time was a figurative brink of death moment when I found myself in the midst of mental illness and an emotional break down. In this episode I'm going to share with you the introduction recording from my new Christian Meditation course when I share my own story. I have now practiced meditation for nearly 3 years, and if there was ever a powerful testimonial of the transformational power it holds, my story has it all. Intrigue, suspense, and a before and after that is evidence to the miracles that meditation can bring to your life. If you feel called to explore this course, registration is open for the next 7 days and you can find a link in the shownotes. SHOWNOTES: Christian Meditation Course: Registr