Brooke Snow Podcast

Ep. 18 "You" Thoughts



Today's episode is all about discerning the thoughts in your head, particularly the ones in third person that start with the word, "You"... Oddly enough, we too often mistake these thoughts as coming from our own mind. But that would be weird if we were talking to ourself in second person wouldn't it? Yet, since it sounds like our own voice in our head, most people internalize those thoughts to be their own mind. Let me give you some examples... ever heard any of these "You" thoughts in your own mind? "You're not enough." "You can't..." "You will never..." or maybe you've heard the quieter you thoughts that sound like this, "You are loved." "You are safe." "you are supported." "You are being guided." "You have a great mission and purpose" As you can see, "You" thoughts come from outside of us, and from two different sources. Today we're going to talk about how to distinguish the two, who is actually talking to us, why noticing this can change your life, and two practices that will give you great power over y