Brooke Snow Podcast

The Art of Anticipation



Today's podcast is lighthearted and fun, and full of creative ideas on how to live your life with more anticipation. Because guess what happens when you anticipate something exciting? You get to experience that feeling twice instead of once, and consequently feel more happy. I call this the Art of Anticipation, because really, it is an art form to build into your life the element of fun things that you can constantly look forward to. If you feel like you could use a little more fun in your life, then this episode is just for you! SHOWNOTES: Living In Your True Identity Magnolia Journal Magazine The Wellness Masterclass with Brendan Burchard Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maude Montgomery: My all time favorite novel. The Artists Way by Julia Cameron (masterful book that talks about the practice of Artist Dates.) The High Performance Planner The Planner I'm currently using and loving :) Daily asks "What am I excited about today?" Christian Meditation 40 Day Challenge Join the challenge today and you get a frien