Design Details

312: Managing a Design Systems Team (feat. Diana Mounter)



In today's episode, Diana Mounter, who manages the design infrastructure at GitHub, helps us dive deep into a listener question about the role and expectations of a design systems manager. And we have a big round of cool things this week, including three books, an album, and a plugin. Follow-up: Keaton Taylor lolled pretty hard at our dumb 311 references. It was all worth it. Thanks for leaving questions for us at the Design Details repo! Interview: Diana Mounter manages the design infrastructure known as Primer at GitHub. You can listen to Diana's previous appearances on Design Details in the following episodes: 74: Itchy Feet (feat. Diana Mounter) 123: Live @ Github (feat. Carolyn Zhang, Heather Phillips, Mo Woods & Diana Mounter) 246: Cats & Design Systems (feat. Diana Mounter & Brent Jackson) agabrans asks, "What is the role of a Design Systems Manager, and what is expected of this individual?" Material Design Apple Human Interface Guidelines Article: The 8-Point Grid by